The Association began in the late 1960s as an informal, loose-knit group of retired former 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing (SRW) RB-50, RB-47 electronic warfare officers (EWOs) who had been stationed together over a period of years. That group so cherished their time as Cold Warriors in the best outfit in the Air Force that they desired to stay in touch and get together from time to time to maintain friendships and relive/retain what had been their active duty camaraderie. Initially, the organization was called the 55th ELINT Association due to the nature of its membership made up primarily of former EWOs (Ravens, Crows). The ‘founding father’ was Col (USAF-Retired) Bob Dibbell, a pilot by trade, who acted as president, secretary/treasurer, newsletter editor, et al. In short, a one-man board of directors. Gradually over time, the organization grew in numbers and began to include more pilots, navigators and other 55th SRW alumni as the Association evolved. In 1985, at the suggestion and urging of the 55th SRW Commander at the time, Col Mark Heller, (who was the guest speaker at a reunion in San Antonio) the group changed its name to the “55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Association” to indicate a more inclusive membership.By 1994 a cadre of the Association members concluded the organization had grown so large in membership and treasury that it was time for a formal, structured form of governance. An ad hoc committee of Association members adopted and submitted articles of incorporation and bylaws (patterned after similar military professional organizations) to the state of Florida in 1995. The first executive Board of Directors and officers were elected at a reunion in Ft Walton Beach, FL, 30 September 1995.
The stated purpose of the Association is reflected in Article III: “This Corporation is organized to foster and advance patriotism, love of country and pleasure of association for recreational purposes of former members and associates of the United States Air Force unit known as the 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing.” The membership, which now numbers over 1200, resides in 49 states, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam and APO Europe. Associations members in the Offutt local area include four former wing commanders and numerous other senior staff position alumni. Among the Offutt area Association members are committed retirees of all ranks who continue to assist the Wing as employees of government contractors; as members of the Offutt Advisory Council; helping plan/organize/assist with the annual Offutt Open House/Air Show; serve on the Birthday Ball planning committee and attend the event in significant numbers; volunteer at the former SAC Museum; among many other activities. The Association members are a valuable resource of experience and expertise to be used.
Beginning in September 1996, two positions on the Association Board of Directors have been reserved for twovolunteer active duty personnel, traditionally one officer and one enlisted member, nominated by the serving 55th WingCommander, and approved by voting of the Board of Directors. From December 1997, the incumbents of senior staff positions of the 55th Wing have been granted automatic gratis membership in the Association. Those positions are: Wing Commander and Vice Commander, Operations Group Commander and Deputy, Maintenance Group Commander and Deputy; squadron commanders of the 38RS, 343RS, 45RS, and 97IS. The Wing Command Chief MSgt and 338CTS commander were added later. This was done to foster an even closer relationship between the 55th Wing and the Association.
The Association held its first reunion in El Paso in 1970 attended by about 40 people. Reunions have been held roughly every 18 months since in such diverse locales as San Diego, Seattle, New Orleans, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Colorado Springs and Reno. Omaha was the site of gatherings in 1976, 1988 (nearly 500 retirees and active duty), and 1996 as part of the grand 50th year of strategic reconnaissance reunion (over 800 attendees of which over 400 were 55th’ers). The most recent, the 22nd, was held in Fairborn (Dayton) OH, when the 55SRW Association joined the USAF Museum to co-host the Recon Rendezvous 2003. The main purposes were to dedicate a memorial monument to the 55th SRW Cold War veterans, and to see the newly opened Cold War annex to the Museum. Of the over 700 attendees, about 500 were 55th alums and family members.
The Association publishes a newsletter, Videmus Omnia, about every six months, a biannual membership roster, and maintains a very informative web site at www.55srwa.org.
The Association has provided financial support for several worthy activities in recent years. Among them:
Birthday Ball donations:
Jan 96 $250
Jan 97 $1000
Jan 98 $1000
Jan 99 $1800 (wine glasses),
Jan 00 $1900 (wine glasses), Feb 01 $1000, Feb 02 $1000, Feb 2003, $1000
Other significant donations:
Sep 95 $1000 toward Cold War Recon memorials
Jun 97 $1000 to C-130A Memorial at Ft Meade, VA
Sep 98 $2000 to Air Force Museum for Cold War Annex fund
Nov 98 $3000 to SAC Museum for Cold War display
Dec 98 $250 to purchase “Legends” lithograph for display at Offutt O-club
Apr 00 $500 to Big Safari Association reunion fund
Feb 02 $500 toward Hall of Fame family portraits (Palm crew)
Feb 02 $204 purchase and presentation of ceremonial saber for 55th Wing Protocol (Presented at Wing Birthday Ball 24 Feb 02.)
Air Force Association and Association of Old Crows scholarship funds (recurring)
Jan 03 $287 for 55th Wing Hall of Fame plaques to families (Kayden, Mattison) (e-mail traffic Jan )4)
Jan 2004 $550 for five plaques to family members of O’Kelley’s RB-50 crew
$147.46 for two hotel rooms for widows and daughter of “ “
RR 2003 Memorial Dedication panoramic photo (framed) presented to 55th 23 Jan 04 – approx. cost of $150
Donation to AF Memorial Foundation $1000
Significant accomplishments to which the Association has taken the lead with, or been instrumental in, are:
- Creation of the 55th SRWing’s annual Birthday Ball in 1979 by the Wing Commander, then-Colonel Regis F. A. Urschler.
- Members serve as advisors on Birthday Ball planning committee.
- Assist with the annual Offutt AFB Open House and Air Show.
- Commissioning of stone and stained glass memorials to those who gave their lives in Cold War strategic reconnaissance, now on permanent display at the former SAC Museum. (Sep 1996)
- Establishment of Cold War and Linebacker II displays at the former SAC Museum.
- (Nov 1998)
- Securing POW Medals for former 55th SRW Cold War detainees Olmstead and McKone, which were presented at the 1995 Birthday Ball.
- Participated in the 1999 Heroes/Heritage lithograph project and Birthday Ball program
- Continued participation in the nomination/selection process of the 55thWing’s Hall of Fame since 2001.
- Creation of a 55th SRW Association Award of Excellencepresented annually to member(s), crew, or unit of the 55th Wing at the Birthday Ball. (Completed Feb 2001)
- Established “Tales of the 55th” event on eve of Birthday Ball (2001) – Robb Hoover
- The purchase of a large commissioned painting of an RB-47H in flight with MiG in chase. The original resides at the former SAC Museum. A copy was made by the USAF Museum for display in the new Cold War Annex. (April 2000)
- Championed the recommendation for a retroactive DFC awarded to LtCol Roy “Pop” Kaden and his crew for the presidential directed 55th SRW RB-50 overflight of the USSR’s Franz Josef Land in 1952. (2002)
- for selection of inductees into the 55th Wing Hall of Fame (2003)
Created February 2000, last update 2 February 2004 – MRM